Demand Property With Menaces Mcdonalds Restaurant, Bridgewater

At 6.40am on Sunday 2 March 2014 two males have entered McDonalds Restaurant situated at Midlands Highway, Bridgewater.

At this time one of the males has demanded money of the employees from the cash register.  The other male has hung back whilst this was occurring. The two males were given an amount of money from the cash register after which they have left the store and run off in the direction of the overpass and ran up an embankment on the opposite side of the road and followed the tree line opposite McDonalds.

At the same time the males have fled the store a male and female customer were entering the store via a different door. Police would like to speak to these persons.

At no time was any staff member harmed during this incident. It has not been determined whether the offenders had a weapon.

Enquiries to date have indicated that the males were present at McDonalds some 40 minutes prior to this occurring.

The two males are described as:


    • Age, early – late 20’s
    • 180cm tall
    • Wearing light grey.white hoody windcheater and light grey tracksuit bottoms
    • Wearing a cap under the hoody
    • Goatee style beard

    • Age early – late 20’s
    • 176-177cm tall
    • Wearing light grey/white hoody, dark blue navy tracksuit bottoms with white stripe
    • Dark blue cap under hoody
    • Work boots

Police would like to hear from any member of the public who may be able to assist with the identity of the two males. They are encouraged to contact Glenorchy CIB on 62 302881 or they can remain anonymous by contacting Crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.

There is footage available of the incident and of the two males which is available for the media to view and we would request the assistance of the media in disseminating that footage to the public.