Dangerous Driving Incident – Launceston CBD – 23 Sep 2016

Police wish to thank the public for their co-operation and assistance in dealing with a dangerous driving incident which occurred at approximately 5.15pm, Friday 23 September 2016, in and around the Launceston CBD.

Police were alerted to the erratic driving behaviour displayed by a silver BMW wagon through heavy traffic within the central business district, which placed the safety of other road users at risk.

The female driver displayed disregard for traffic signals, collided with two stationery motorists and failed to obey directions by police. Police successfully deployed road spikes which immobilised the vehicle, with the driver taken into custody.

Police are investigating the incident and extend their appreciation to those witnesses who have provided information. An overwhelming response has been received and any further witnesses are encouraged to contact the Northern Road and Public Order section on ph. 6777 3925.