Coroner’s findings into the death of Nicholas Whiteley

Tasmania Police has welcomed Coroner Robert Pearce’s findings into the death of Nicholas Whiteley at Westbury on 22 November 2010. We extend our sympathies to the family of Mr Whitely at this difficult time.

The Coroner has prepared comprehensive and considered findings and they will be given careful consideration by the Corporate Management Group. It is acknowledged the Coroner has made no criticism of either Tasmania Police or Constable Blake in relation to the death of Mr Whiteley.

The Department will act on the Coroner’s recommendations.

The Single Officer Response Model, which was formally adopted in 2008, aims to provide efficient service delivery while managing the risks that are inherent to policing.

“It is appropriate and timely to review the Model, which is an integral part of our policing strategy,” said Acting Deputy Commissioner, Donna Adams.

“The Department is committed to the safety of officers and members of the community and it’s important to ensure the Model remains contemporary in its application,” said Ms Adams.