Clean up/public health advice to Tasman Peninsula residents

The Chair of the Southern Regional Emergency Management Committee, Commander Peter Edwards, reminds residents, property owners and business operators returning to the Tasman Peninsula today to bear in mind public health advice, particularly relating to asbestos.

“We understand that there will be a natural temptation for people to clean up their homes and businesses when they return today,” Commander Edwards said.

“However, when you are on your property, please ensure you wear the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available at the police checkpoint on the Arthur Highway and at the Workplace Standards bus near the Dunalley Hotel.

“We understand that people will want to save special momentoes and other belongings but urge them to be cautious due to several public safety hazards. For example, we discourage people from disturbing ash and dust due to asbestos risk.”

Information packs were distributed at public information sessions held at Hobart, Dunalley, Sorell and Nubeena yesterday and the advice reiterated at those meetings.

These packs will also be handed out at the police checkpoint at various other locations on the Peninsula.


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For more information on the fire situation and support services, contact 1800 567 567. Up-to-date information on the fires can also be found at the Tasmania Fire Service website Police information is also available at Information on grants and other support available to those affected by fires can be found at

There are many people who remain unaccounted for, and police urge
people to register their details with the National Registration and Inquiry
Service on 1800 727 077 or via