Claremont house fire

On the morning of Friday 22 April 2011 upon advice from the Tasmania Fire Service Police attended a fire at 26 Curlew Parade Claremont.  26 Curlew Parade Claremont being a complex of 4 units owned by Housing Tasmania and operated by Langford Support Services.

Unit 4 was completely engulfed by fire and could not be saved with unit 3 suffering limited smoke damage.  Units 1 and 2 were not damaged.

Following investigations by attending Detectives from the Glenorchy Criminal Investigation Branch a 29 year old female was formally interviewed and charged with arson relative to the fire.  She has been bailed to appear in court at a later date.

The fire scene has been examined by both Tasmania Police Forensic Services and the Tasmania Fire Service fire scene examiner.

Damage to the units has been assessed at $100 000 to repair.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296