Citations for exceptional service

A group of Tasmanian Police officers will today be recognised for exceptional service in an unfamiliar and destabilising environment.

The 2011 Canterbury Earthquake Citation was initiated by the New Zealand Police to recognise the exceptional work of those deployed under their command on the ground in Christchurch during the national emergency period of 22 February 2011 to 30 April 2011.

Fifteen Tasmanian Police officers who provided assistance to New Zealand following the Canterbury Earthquake in 2011 will be presented with the Canterbury Earthquake Citation from New Zealand’s High Commissioner in Australia, His Excellency Major General (Rtd) Martyn John Dunne, today.

The Citation takes the form of a Dress Distinction ribbon in the colours of Canterbury, with the four red stripes representing the four uniformed services, including police, who responded.   

Eleven of our officers supported New Zealand police undertaking general duties. A further four officers from Tasmania were deployed to undertake specialist Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) functions.

“All of our officers were sworn in as New Zealand police officers for the duration of their deployment and performed their duties under particularly challenging conditions in a destabilising environment,” said Darren Hine, Commissioner of Police.

“My colleagues in New Zealand Police command have commented positively on the extremely high standard of the duties performed by the Tasmanian Police contingent.

“Today the dedication and commitment of our officers is honoured and they can wear with pride the Citation they receive,” said Mr Hine.