Changes to administration of Firearms Amnesty

Tasmania Police has acted to clarify the administration of the permanent amnesty for handing in unwanted or unregistered firearms.

Tasmania has a permanent amnesty in place under the Firearms Act 1996, allowing unregistered firearms to be surrendered to Tasmania Police with no action taken for unauthorised possession.

An exemption to the Act was issued by the Commissioner of Police in 1997, with the intent of enabling unregistered firearms to be surrendered to licensed firearms dealers. 

“The exemption allowed firearms dealers to acquire or purchase unregistered firearms.  The dealers were required to register the firearms within 7 days,” said Assistant Commissioner, Phil Wilkinson.

Legal advice has now been received that the Commissioner does not have the authority under the Act to exempt firearms dealers from acquiring or purchasing firearms.

“As a result, the Exemption to Section 25(1) of the Act has now been withdrawn, and we are in the process of notifying dealers of the change.

“Anyone with an unwanted or unregistered firearm can hand it to a Police station and no action will be taken for the unauthorised possession of the firearm.  Police are also available to assist with collection of firearms from individuals or dealers,” said Mr Wilkinson.