Cessation of funding for U-Turn

The funding agreement between the Department of Police and Emergency Management and the current program provider, Mission Australia, concludes in September 2013, and a decision has been made not to continue the program.

“This decision has not been taken lightly. We have supported the U-Turn Program’s aim to steer young people away from a life of crime since its inception about 10 years ago,” said Deputy Commissioner Scott Tilyard.

“Unfortunately during these restrictive budgetary times everything is being reviewed. Regrettable, but necessary, decisions must be made to ensure this Department manages responsibly within its budget allocation with the primary focus being on the delivery of frontline policing and emergency management services.

“On-going financial support for the U-Turn Program is estimated to cost just under $1million per annum.

“This is just one of many actions that we have taken, that are a direct result of the budget situation,” he said.