Business Burglaries – North West Coast

Police are investigating a number of business premise burglaries which have occurred within the last fortnight where the offenders have targeted cigarettes.

Recently, businesses at Penguin, East Devonport, Ridgley and Shorewell Park have been entered and cigarettes stolen. At this stage witnesses have described 3-4 offenders who are using axes and the like to gain entry to premises.

Police would like to remind owners of businesses who stock cigarettes to ensure that stock is as secure as possible overnight.

Owners are also asked to review security arrangements at their premises to deter offenders attempting to steal these items.

Police would like anyone who may have information in relation to these thefts or who may know of persons attempting to sell cheap cigarettes to contact their local police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Information given to Crime Stoppers can be made anonymously.

Detective Senior Sergeant Gary Williams
(03) 6421 7530

Tasmania Police Media and Marketing Services
(03) 6230 2296