Bushwalkers urged to prepare

Tasmania Police have reiterated their message for bushwalkers to be prepared before setting off into remote areas.

Today Police Search and Rescue resources, including the helicopter, have been deployed in two operations which could have potentially been avoided.

Two tourists from the United Kingdom became separated while climbing to the Mt Freycinet Lookout late yesterday.  The man called police on the mobile phone and a search was initiated last night. 

The couple camped overnight and walked out of the area this afternoon.  They had found each other on the track but were unable to contact police because their mobile phone battery went flat.

In a second operation today, the Police Westpac Rescue Helicopter winched a group of 5 bushwalkers from Lake Judd.  A walking party of Search and Rescue officers had also reached the group who set off their EPIRB about 3pm yesterday 20 March.

The bushwalkers had climbed to the Notch, near Mt Anne and Mt Lot.  They attempted to leave the area by descending to Lake Judd and found they couldn’t negotiate the thick bush.

Police would like to remind bushwalkers to plan their trips and their equipment carefully, be aware of their physical capacity for each walk and keep in mind their level of experience before setting off.

“Requests for assistance by bushwalkers are always responded to immediately by Tasmania Police.  Our Search and Rescue officers are highly experienced – but our resources, including our helicopter, are not limitless – and some call outs potentially impact their availability for other operations,” said Inspector Stuart Scott.

“I would also like to remind bushwalkers that the use of EPIRBs is restricted to life threatening emergencies or situations where there is no other feasible option.”