Back to School

Police are reminding everyone that Tasmania’s roads and school zones are about to become busy again with the start of the school year next week.

“The message is not simply for motorists but anyone using our roads.  While there are increased volumes of traffic of all descriptions there can also be increased levels of anxiety and frustration which can generate increased instances of risk-taking behaviour,” said Acting Inspector Troy Hodge.

“Motorists are urged to pay extra particular attention to pedestrians, children walking in the street and those arriving off buses who could dart out in front of traffic.

“The message is simple, allow extra time, slow down and obey all traffic laws and speed signs.

“Pedestrians, which include students and children, are urged to practice safety rules for travelling to and from school. Be alert and vigilant, lead by example, always cross at pedestrian crossings, follow safety patrol instructions and encourage new students and siblings to do the same,” he said.

Police will have increased patrols in school zones not only for the start of the school term but throughout the year. 

“Heightening our visibility around school zones at this time of year aims to encourage all road users to think about the situation, watch out for other children/pedestrians and for other motorists,” he said.

Safety Tips for Motorists

  • Flashing lights on a school bus means the bus has stopped to load or unload children.  The law requires you to slow to 40kmh within 50metres.
  • Slow down and obey all traffic speed signs and stop for crossing guards on the roadway.
  • Be alert.

Safety Tips for Parents

  • Help your children learn and practice safety rules for travelling to and from school be it walking, cycling or riding in a car or bus.
  • Supervise young children while they wait at bus stops or cross roads.
  • Obey parking laws around school zones.

Safety Tips for Students/Children

  • Always put your seatbelt on in the car
  • Always cross at pedestrian crossings, obey all traffic signs, stoplights and safety patrol instructions
  • Always wear a helmet when riding your bicycle
  • Learn the safety rules for waiting for buses, getting on and off buses and crossing the road after disembarking.