Australia Day Honours 2014 for Police Officers

Two Tasmania Police officers have been recognised in this year’s Australia Day Honours.

The Australian Police Medal for distinguished service has been awarded to Inspector Glenn Lathey and Constable Rod Warrington.

“Any officer who has undergone any form of in-service operational training within the last ten years will not be surprised by Constable Rod Warrington’s nomination for the Australian Police Medal. He is well recognised and respected by all his peers,” said Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

“Constable Warrington has played an integral part in the development and presentation of Operational skills training for all incoming recruits and has delivered presentations to a broad range of agencies and groups in relation to conflict resolution, personal and environmental security and dealing with difficult and aggressive situations,” he said.

During a career spanning 35 years Constable Warrington has served within Uniform policing, Youth services, Marine and Rescue Services and Operational Skills Training at the Police Academy.

“He has been notably commended by officials throughout Australasia for his skill and devotion to the conviction of notorious fisheries offenders and the complex organised crime investigation of abalone poaching,” said Mr Hine.

Constable Warrington was a member of the Police diving squad for 22 years and is also the only Tasmanian Police Level III diver (capable of diving 50 metres on air).

“Inspector Glenn Lathey started his career as a Cadet in 1976. He was awarded runner-up Dux in Cadet course 6 and has managed an aspiring career since,” said Mr Hine.

Inspector Lathey has worked in all Districts and a range of support commands, including uniform, crime and drug investigation, the Tasmania Police Academy, Office of the Commissioner and Cold Case Unit. He was seconded to the National Crime Authority in Melbourne in 1994 for two years as a senior investigator, and the Australian Federal Police, as Commander of the Airport Police in Hobart in 2006 for two years.

“He has received notable commendations for his efficiency and devotion to duty during severe fires at Zeehan in 1981; for his courage under gun fire during an incident at George Town in 1994; for courage and professionalism upon disarming a highly unstable and violent man in Launceston in 1993 and in 2005 for his high level investigation skills resulting in the successful prosecution of offenders involved in two violent home invasions upon elderly victims.

“Inspector Lathey is well recognised by his peers for his management of serious crime investigations, his involvement as a member of the Special Operations Group and counter terrorism investigations and related work, his high level investigative skills and ability to prepare complex and comprehensive prosecution materials and his calm demeanour,” said Mr Hine.

“Both individuals are worthy recipients of the Australian Police Medal and have made valuable contributions to policing in Tasmania and throughout Australasia,” he said.