Australasian Council of Women and Policing Awards 2012

The achievements of a long-serving Tasmanian police officer have been recognised at the 2012 Excellence in Policing Awards.

The Australasian Council of Women and Policing’s Excellence in Policing Awards were presented in Canberra on Friday evening.  The Awards are an opportunity to acknowledge and reward the achievements of women and men who are contributing to improving policing and law enforcement and making policing services better for women.

Senior Constable Lee-Ann Adams was Highly Commended in the category of ‘Most Outstanding Female Leader’ for her exceptional record in leading significant organisational cultural change in Tasmania Police.

“Senior Constable Adams has a passion to improve policing.  She has been instrumental in challenging traditional communications based on command structure and driving the introduction of contempory communication practices within Tasmania Police,” said Assistant Commissioner, Donna Adams.

“Senior Constable Adams has played an integral part in the development of a two-day workshop on leadership and achieving goals in the workplace, which she also facilitates,” said Ms Adams.