Auditor General Report

Tasmania Police is reviewing the recommendations of the Auditor-General’s report into the whole-of-government radio network project.

“We believe that the current governance arrangements for the project are working effectively,” said Deputy Commissioner Scott Tilyard.

“The report is generally complimentary of the Police/TESI network.

“We are confident that we are now moving forward and making progress. There’s a strong commitment by the emergency services to be part of a single whole-of-government network.

“The steering committee which consists of representatives of emergency services, DPAC and Treasury, has a strong desire to progress this important project in a timely manner and provide the best possible system which meets the business needs of the various stakeholders.

“While the development of a single whole-of-government radio network is a complex project and there’s a broad range of issues to be addressed, our goal is to enhance interoperability between the services and provide a radio network that is the safest for all emergency responders and assists in delivering the best possible services to the people of Tasmania.”