Assaults on Emergency Service Workers report

The Department of Police and Emergency Management has welcomed the Assaults on Emergency Service Workers report by the Sentencing Advisory Council.

The Department supports legislative reform, including increased penalties under the Police Offences Act, intended to provide a safer work environment for police and other emergency service workers, including those who support emergency service organisations in a volunteer capacity.

“Our officers, and other emergency service workers, often respond to incidents that involve personal risk and we need to give them the support and protection to do their job with confidence,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

“The recommendation to include a definition of ‘emergency service worker’ in the penalty provisions for assault in the Police Offices Act is also welcomed.”

“The work of police and other emergency service workers is challenging enough without the additional threat of being assaulted while you’re performing your role.  These proposed reforms are designed to further deter offenders from assaulting people who deliver these vital community services, and to deal more appropriately with those who do,” said Mr Hine.