Arthur Highway – Road Works Speed Reduction Zones

Tasmania police wish to remind motorists of significant road works currently being conducted on the Arthur Highway in three main sections of the road:

  • Arthur Highway & Sugarloaf Road (Primrose Sands turn off)
  • Arthur Highway approximately 1km North of Murdunna
  • Arthur Highway 1km South of Taranna.

The road works are expected to continue for a prolonged period through out the year and road users are requested to obey all speed signs on the Arthur Highway including those through the road work areas.

Motorists are advised that heavy machinery and trucks are in use in the road works areas and the speed on the Arthur Highway in these zones has been reduced to 40km/h for the safety of motorists and construction workers.

Tasmania police will continue to monitor and enforce the speed restrictions in these areas for the safety of the public.

Motorists are advised to expect delays when travelling to the Tasman Peninsula including Port Arthur of approximately 30 minutes.