Arsons in Launceston

Launceston Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward following a fourth arson attack on property owned by Housing Tasmania since July.

"There have been 3 arsons of Housing Tasmania properties in the past week which is out of the ordinary as there have been only 4 since July.  Two of these were in Rocherlea and another in Youngtown and Mayfield,” said Detective Inspector Scott Flude.

Of those 3 in the last week one has been cleared with a man charged on Saturday night to be proceeded against by summons for burning down a shed on the property at Youngtown.  Police are currently following a line of enquiry with regards the arsons in Rocherlea.

Launceston CIB is currently working with Housing Tasmania in regards to these matters and extra patrols will be initiated in areas identified to be high risk. 

“Again this is a case where I would ask locals to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity in and around these areas,” said Detective Inspector Flude.   Neighbours who are aware that someone is away from their property should be on the alert.

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