Armed robbery – ChemMart Pharmacy, Sandy Bay

Police are investigating an alleged armed robbery at a pharmacy in Sandy Bay this morning,


At   10am on Wednesday 19 October 2016 a man entered the ChemMart Pharmacy in Magnet Court, Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay armed with a knife and demanded drugs from the staff.


The man has then fled the pharmacy on foot.


No staff or customers were injured during the incident.  The man escaped with a small amount of medication.


The man is described as being:

  • About 170cm tall,
  • Thin build with gaunt facial features
  • Brown eyes, dark hair, dark brown to black coloured goatee with scruffy unshaven cheeks with a few days’ growth.
  • Wearing a purple beanie, grey hoodie and dark jeans.


Anyone who observed a man fitting this description acting suspiciously in the vicinity of the ChemMart Pharmacy in Magnet Court is asked to phone Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.