Alleged taxi driver assault

An article in The Mercury newspaper on Saturday 25 September 2010 outlined an alleged assault sustained by a taxi driver, Mr Michael Batchelor, at the Eastland’s Shopping Centre carpark on 30 July this year. The article inferred police inaction in attempts to resolve this matter.

Upon the initial report of the alleged assault, police attended the scene within minutes, spoke to Mr Batchelor, secured evidence, identified potential witnesses and located the alleged offender.

Shortly after the alleged assault occurred and despite police advice to the contrary, Mr Batchelor informed officers that he did not wish to proceed with charges relating to the incident. Mr Batchelor was informed by the investigating officer, that if he changed his mind and decided to pursue the matter, police would further investigate the complaint.

In response to the article in The Mercury, Tasmania Police contacted Mr Batchelor today and again offered to receive a formal complaint from him. Pleasingly, Mr Batchelor has accepted this offer. The investigation has commenced and will be finalised this week.

To ensure public safety in the Eastland’s Shopping Centre precinct, police from Bellerive Police Station, the Eastern Public Order Response Team (PORT) and Eastern Traffic Services conduct regular patrols throughout the Rosny Bus Mall, Eastland’s Shopping Centre and surrounding areas on a daily basis. Those patrols are conducted at peak times, and are increased at the conclusion of the school day, school holidays, Friday afternoons and weekends.

The Rosny Bus Mall now has twelve security cameras operational throughout. The cameras provide a deterrent to would-be offenders and evidence for police regarding crimes. Security vision has been obtained regarding several recent matters and will soon be presented in court as corroborative evidence.


Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296