Aggravated Armed Robbery Derwent Tavern

At approximately 6.20pm on Sunday 16/6/2013, police were called to the Derwent Tavern, Old Main Road, Bridgewater in response to emergency calls relating to an armed offender.  An unknown male offender has entered the Tavern, wearing a light coloured balaclava, dark clothing and armed with what appeared to be a firearm.  The offender has demanded money from the staff at the Tavern and left the scene with an undisclosed sum of money.  The male was last seen heading towards the train lines behind the Tavern.

There were a small number of patrons in the hotel at the time and neither staff nor patrons were injured during the incident.

If anyone has information, which could assist Police please call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 or Glenorchy CIB on 131444.