Advice from the DPP on child prostitution case

Advice from the DPP has been received and based on that advice no further charges will be laid in respect to the prostitution of the 12 year old girl.

Contrary to media reports about the alleged existence of a “list” or diary of clients, police can advise that no such list or diary has been located and is believed not to exist. In addition, recent media reports that some clients were offered immunity from prosecution if they provided evidence is also incorrect; there has never been an offer of immunity.

While investigating phone records, Tasmania Police found three phone numbers linked to police officers. In respect to one of those numbers, the investigation found that the phone was being used at the time by another person who is not a police officer. With regards to the other two phone numbers, the investigation revealed that neither of the officers concerned were clients of the girl.

No further comment can be made at this time owing to a related matter still before the court. Further details will be released when that matter is finalised.


Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296