1973 Kevin Lyons investigation of alleged bribery allegation

In March 2017 Mr Andrew Wilkie MP wrote to the Commissioner of Police requesting that police re-open a 1973 investigation into allegations the Hon Kevin Lyons was bribed to bring about the fall of the Bethune Liberal Government.


The 1973 investigation found the allegations to be unsubstantiated and did not find any evidence of criminality.


In considering the request, Tasmania Police assigned a senior officer to review the original investigation file.


The review found that the original investigation was comprehensive and best placed to discover any evidence of criminal conduct if such existed.


The majority of individuals involved in the matter are now deceased but several of those still living were spoken to as part of the review.  Most of those individuals had provided statements to the original investigation and no further evidence of probative value was forthcoming.


On the basis that most avenues of further inquiries are no longer available and there is no prospect of charges against any living person, Tasmania Police has determined not to re-open the investigation.


Mr Wilkie has been informed of the outcome.


Scott Tilyard

Deputy Commissioner