17 year old ‘P ’plater detected at 156kph 

A 17 year old P Plater has had his motorcycle seized and had his licence disqualified for 4 months after being detected at travelling at 96kmh over the speed limit.


Members of the Western District Road and Public Order Services detected a “P” plate motorcyclist on Seabrook Road in Somerset travelling at 156kph in a posted 60kph zone about 8.45am today.


The 17 year old male had his motorcycle seized for a minimum 28 days and will face court at a later date.  He faces a minimum disqualification period of 4 months, a fine of $900 and 6 demerit points.


Acting Inspector Steve Jones said “The extremely high speed of the motor cycle is totally unacceptable.  The rider gave no consideration for either his own safety or that of other road users or members of the community.”


Tasmania Police want to remind the community that the current “We’ve Been Everywhere” road safety campaign aims to encourage safe road use by promoting the high possibility of being caught if driving unsafely and the fact that road safety is everyone’s responsibility.