Interim procedures for disclosing information released in response to Right to Information Act 2009 requests in Tasmania were announced on Tuesday 9 June 2015.

Certain information released in response to Right to Information requests will be published online within 48 hours of being released to the applicant. This only applies to applications received after 9 June 2015.

The new approach makes information released to an applicant available to a wider audience and increases Government transparency and accountability.

Applicants should note that:

  • if they seek and are granted a waiver of the application fee on the basis of general public interest, and it is determined that the information is in the broader public interest, publication of the released information is likely.
  • their identity will not be published. The category of applicant will be published, i.e. Member of Parliament, media representative, private individual, organisation, and other.
  • a summary of the application will be published. This gives context to the nature of the released information.
  • only information that is considered to be in the broader public interest will be published. No personal information will be published.
  • information of a commercial or confidential nature will not be published.

Detailed policies reflecting this change will soon be available.

Publication Date Category Request Summary Information Released
14/06/2016 Organisation Information relating to firearm theft in Tasmania for FYs 2013/14 and 2014/15 Per request
(RTI 157/16)
30/06/2016 Member of Parliament Information relating to firearms and firearm ownership in Tasmania (number of registered firearms in Tasmania) Per request
(RTI 206/16)
18/10/2016 Private Individual Data relating to the Sex Industry Offences Act 2005 for period 2006 to 2016 Per request
(RTI 314/16)
21/10/2016 Member of Parliament Charges laid for cultivating and supplying of cannabis and total cannabis seizures Per request
(RTI 312/16 & 313/16)
24/10/2016 Member of Parliament Rescue helicopter contract hours and flying hours from 2011 to 2016 Per request
(RTI 309/16)
19/01/2017 Member of Parliament Owned Police Vehicles, marked and unmarked on March 2014 and January 2017 Per request
(RTI 5/17)
 05/04/2017 Media Tasmania Police officers’and recruit’ 2015 and 2016 criminal convictions  Per request
(RTI 70/17)
17/05/2017 Media Number of Blood tests analysed in relation to Drink Driving for the past three years (YTD) Per request
(RTI 98/17)
06/06/2017 Media Unintentional Firearm discharges by on-duty police officers from 2012/13 to March 2017 Per request
(RTI 118/17)
17/07/2017 Media Pervert Justice and Interfere with a Witness charges Per request
(RTI 178/17)
23/01/2018 Media Sexual Assault Offences Reported to Police Per request
(RTI 330/17)
30/01/2018 Media Information relating to Sexual Assault Investigation Kits for the period 01/01/2007 to 27/12/2017 Per request
(RTI 344/17)
24/04/2018 Media Statistics on aggravated sexual assaults and rape offences between 1999 and 2017 by calendar year, Tasmania Police District, and Investigation status.  Per request
(RTI 63/18)
04/05/2018 Media Professional Standards investigation of the Northern Prosecution Branch’s handling of drink driving matter 17/1387, March 2017 Per request
(RTI 75/18)
20/06/2018 Media Firearms Policy Per request
(RTI 123/18)
12/03/2019 Media Number of minors subject to ‘strip search’ by Tasmania Police 2017/18 Per request
(RTI 47/19)
12/04/2019 Media Research into the use of force by police agencies nationally Per request (RTI 67/19)
18/04/2019 Media Correspondence between DPFEM, PWS and STT between 15/1/19 to 21/1/19 on initial response to bushfire at Riveaux Road Per request (RTI 59/19)
10/05/2019 Media Statistics in relation to Sexual Assaults (Excluding Indecent Assault) 2008-2018, persons 16 years and over Per request (RTI 95/19)
17/5/2019 Media Internal Reports and correspondence in relation to the avenues available to alleged victims of family violence perpetrated by police officers and emergency service personnel. Per request (RTI 94/19)
24/5/2019 Media Special Operation Group deployments within the past 5 years. Per request (RTI 71/19)
24/6/2019 Media Southern Regional Operations Briefings of the Tasmania Fire Service from 15 January 2019 to 24 January 2019. Per request (RTI 134/19)
28/8/2019 Media Family Violence Incidents committed by members of Tasmania Police between 2017 and 31/7/2019 Per request (RTI 174/19)
18/02/2020 Member of Parliament

Tasmania Police Response to the Falls Festival from 2016 to present

Per request (RTI:28/20)
06/04/2020 Member of Parliament

Information concerning the cancellation of fuel reduction burns in the Swansea area between 1/1/206 and 1/1/2019

Per request (RTI: 66/20)
12/06/2020 Member of Parliament
  1. Information concerning: ‘Number of investigations into illegal wood harvesting in 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019 and 2020 to date – broken down by private property, agency or GBE; and
  2. The number of charges laid for illegal wood harvesting in 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019 and 2020 to date – broken down by private property, agency or GBE responsible
Per request (RTI: 134/20/20)
20/07/2020 Media

Information concerning: ‘‘All complaints of racism/racial harassment/racial discrimination made against Tasmania Police since 1 January 2017 and for each complaint identified, the report of the internal investigation into the complaint.’

Per request (RTI: 172/20)

10/08/2020 Member of Parliament

Information concerning:

  1. As at 31 July 2020, the number and location of operational fixed speed cameras in Tasmania; and
  2. As at 31 January 2020, the number and location of operational fixed speed cameras in Tasmania.’

Per request (RTI: 218/20)

18/09/2020 Journalist

Information concerning:

  1. ‘Who was the senior Tasmania Police officer that was the subject of sexual harassment complaint (as asked about in Estimates hearings in 2018)? What rank did this officer hold?
  2. What was the nature of the complaint/s against the officer? Was it the one complaint or were there multiple complaints from multiple officers?
  3. Commissioner Darren Hine has said the officer was asked to undergo counselling as a result of his behaviour.  What form did these sessions take? How long did they go for? How many of them was the officer required to attend?
  4. Was the officer punished in any way for his behaviour? If so, how?
  5. Have there been further sexual harassment complaints made against this officer since the original complaints were made?

Per request (RTI: 249/20)

24/08/2021 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: ‘‘Number of road incidents involving feral deer, broken down by year’’

Per request (RTI: 267/20)

24/08/2021 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: ‘‘Copies of any documents developed for Ministers to assist with answering questions during Budget Estimates 2020 in relation to Bushfire preparedness, Policing of family violence and SES.”

Per request (RTI: 351/20)

24/08/2021 Member of Parliament

Information concerning:

  1. ‘The number of staff currently assigned to Family Violence Units, broken down by region.
  2. The number of current police officers who have received family violence training.
  3. The number of current police officers who have received family violence training outside of the Police Academy.
  4. The number of current police officers who have received family violence training more than once’.

Per request (RTI:28/21)

24/08/2021 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: For financial years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20;

  1. ‘The number of Family Violence Orders issued.
  2. The number of Family Violence Orders that were served by police.
  3. The number of Police Family Violence Orders issued.
  4. The number of Police Family Violence Orders that were served by police.
  5. The total number of breaches of Family Violence Orders
  6. The total number of breaches of Police Family Violence Orders
  7. The number of Police Family Violence Orders that were replaced by a Family Violence Order.
  8. The number of breaches of Family Violence Orders that resulted in charges being laid.
  9. The number of breaches of Police Family Violence Orders that resulted in charges being laid.’

Per request (RTI: 30/21)

24/08/2021 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: ‘‘Any information contained in the incoming Ministerial briefs prepared by the Department, including “blue books”.

Per request (RTI: 163/21)

27/08/2021 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: ‘Please provide, broken down by year, the number of offences where the victim is listed as a business and the offender identified is a youth in the Elizabeth Street Mall, Cat and Fiddle Arcade, Northgate Shopping Centre and Eastlands Shopping Centre.’

Per request (RTI: 203/21)

26/06/2022 Journalist In 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, statistics relating to the number of Tasmanian Police Officers who:
  1. Received an allegation of a child sex related offence
  2. Were charged with a child sex related offence
  3. Had their allegations of a child sex related offence withdrawn
  4. Had their charge of a child sex related offence withdrawn
  5. Were found guilty and a conviction was recorded of a child sex related offence
  6. Were found guilty but no conviction was recorded of a child sex related offence 

A list of each category of internal disciplinary actions that can be taken against a Tasmanian Police Officer which includes the number of Tasmanian Police Officers subject to each category of disciplinary action as a result of an allegation of child sex-related offences:

A.In 2018

B In 2019

C.In 2020

D.In 2021

Per request (RTI: 188/22).

09/03/2023 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: ‘A breakdown of arson and fire related offences for the years 2020-21 and 2021-22, including the number that relate to social housing’.

Per request (RTI: 36/23)

12/04/2023 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: ‘DPFEM job vacancies’

Per request (RTI: 67/23)

13/04/2023 Private Individual

Information concerning the ‘total number of firearm licence holders, aged 18 and over, for the following genuine reasons:

    1. Sport and target shooting and
    2. Recreational hunting or vermin control and
    3. Both sport and target shooting and recreational hunting

Per request (RTI: 101/23)

22/06/2023 Member of Parliament

Information concerning:

  1. All strategies, policies or procedures dealing with forensic exhibit receipt, handling, storage, access, security, retention, return or destruction or requests for re-testing since January 2009, including but not limited to:
  1. Any Tasmania Police/FSST Scientific Investigation Strategy or similar (as in WA) since January 2009;
  2. Any Serious Crime Exhibit Retention Management Policy or similar (as in WA) since January 2009;
  3. Any Forensic Discipline Specific Standard Operating Procedures or similar (as in WA) since January 2009;
  4. Details (including terms of reference, roles and responsibilities etc.) of any Forensic Analysis Coordination Team (FACT) (as in WA) or similar since January 2009;
  1. All strategies, policies or procedures dealing with how it is determined whether to subject an exhibit in a serious crime such as murder to biological testing, including DNA testing, for the period January 2009 to present day;
  1. All strategies, polices or procedures for prioritising, sampling, testing and storing exhibits, particularly in serious crimes (as opposed to volume crime) since January 2009;
  1. All strategies, policies, procedures or memoranda from Tasmania Police/FSST management on how to deal with missing/lost or destroyed forensic exhibits since January 2009;
  1. All documentation since January 2009 relating to compliance with 9.2 of Standards Australia AS 5388.4 concerning “Collection and continuity of forensic material” regarding the “exceptional” or “standard” factors that may have affected decisions as to the examination and sampling of seized items (particularly in serious crimes). (It is noted that, under the Australian Standard, the factors affecting those decisions should be clearly stated in the report or in the relevant case notes. Any deviation from documented methods or procedures shall be stated in the report or in the relevant case notes);
  1. The documented acceptance and rejection criteria in place since January 2009 that ensure that the integrity of forensic material is protected and maintained. Such criteria cover the requirements for packaging, transport and storage of forensic material. (See Standards Australia AS 5388.1 at 9.1);
  1. All applications and submissions made to NATA or correspondence/emails with NATA regarding accreditation or the investigation of any complaints or queries on issues in respect of exhibit receipt, handling, storage security etc for the period January 2009 to the present day in relation to Sue Neill-Fraser or other serious crime;
  1. All correspondence, emails or submissions to ANZPAA NIFS or any related forensic body or association, such as ANZFSS, either State based, national or international, in relation to the issue or management of forensic exhibits and their handling etc. for the period January 2009 to the present day.

Per request (RTI: 56/23)

29/08/2023 Member of Parliament

Departmental expenditure for financial year 2022/2023 relating to consultants, advertising, travel labour hire and contractors and the current FTE number of casual employees and fixed term employees.

Per request (RTI: 318/23)

05/09/2023 Journalist

Any formal letters / email written to CO Barry by either Donna Adams, Jenny Gale or Minister Felix Ellis specifically addressing Mr Barry’s termination / resignation from TFS.

Per request (RTI: 268/23)

06/10/2023 Organisation

Per request (RTI: 339/23)

14/11/2023 Member of Parliament Information regarding the police funeral and criminal allegations relating to Paul Reynolds

Per request (RTI 441/23)

12/12/2023 Member of Parliament
  1. The number of employees and FTE of police prosecutor positions in each region (North, North West, South) as at the date of the request.
  2. The number of current vacancies of police prosecutor positions in each region (North, North West, South) as at the date of the request.
  3. The number and FTE of employees employed as police prosecutors who are currently on extended leave (more than 4+ weeks) as at the date of the request.
  4. The number of times in the last year (from date of request) a police prosecutor, legal officer or principal legal officer has had to travel to another region for a court appearance on behalf of police prosecution services.
  5. Of those appearances in (4) the dates, times, matters dealt and reason for travel of each trip.

Per request (RTI: 498/23)

20/12/2023 Member of the public

Information Concerning:

Information in relation to the Tasmanian Fire Service. Specifically requested:

  1. The number and type of fire-fighting aircraft (water bombers) TFS has under contract now.
  2. The number and type of firebombing aircraft TFS has contracted in addition to come to Tas this fire season and when will they arrive?
  3. The total number of fire bombing aircraft
  4. The total number and type of aircraft not used for fire bombing but used for fire mapping and reconnaissance work.

Per request (RTI: 522/23)

30/12/2023 Member of the public

Information concerning: The fires that impacted Coles Bay Road and Friendly Beaches:

‘Can you inform me of the outcome of these investigations as to the source of ignition in these two incidents.’

Per request (RTI: 507/23)

01/02/2024 Member of Parliament

Information concerning:

  1. Copies of all applications received for the $10 million dollar fund announced in the 2023/2024 budget to upgrade stations within the Tasmania Fire Service and State Emergency Service.
  2. Copies of the Strategic Asset Management Plan for the Tasmanian Fire Service.

Per request (RTI: 511/23)

20/02/2024 Member of the Public

Information concerning: ‘Total costs allocated / budgeted / spent for the Bridgewater Fire Station from 2017/18 up until 2022/23 including any aerial emergency costs (broken down / separately identified by Financial Year as well).

The amount of call outs any types of call-outs broken down by Financial Year as well from 2017/18 up until 2022/23.’

Per request (RTI: 10/24)

26/02/2024 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: I seek the most recent risk register and Ministerial Minute related to the following projects:

  1. Bridgewater Police Station Upgrade.
  2. St Helens Police Station.’

Per request (RTI: 33/24)

05/03/2024 Journalist

The ABC is requesting the total financial budget assigned to and spent on conclude covert operations, excluding current active operations, that occurred between 1999 to 2023, defined by either financial year or calendar year and described as a “Mr Big”, “scenario technique”, “scenario method”, “Canadian technique”, “Big Boss”, “Tofilau”, “homicide scenario technique”, “unsolved serious crime undercover technique” or “USCUT” operations.’

Per request (RTI: 66/24)

05/03/2024 Journalist

Information concerning: The ABC is requesting the total number (numerical data not total percentage) of covert operations described as a “Mr Big”, “scenario method”, “Canadian”, “Big Boss”, “Tofilau”, “homicide scenario technique”, “unsolved serious crime undercover technique” or “USCUT” operation or investigations by Tasmanian law enforcement between 1999 to 2023 excluding active operations.’

Per request (RTI: 68/24)

26/4/2024 Member of Public   Information regarding the ratio of speeding infringement notices issues per operation at each targeted section of highway for a given period (e.g. 3 months)

Per request (RTI 135/24)

02/05/2024 Member of Public   Crime Statistics for each Tasmanian Local Government Area for the last 3 years.

Per request (RTI 115/24)

07/05/2024 Journalist Information concerning: ‘The total expenditure (allocated and spent) on the covert operations; the financial budget document outlining the breakdown of costs related to the listed concluded covert operations. Specific concluded covert operations described as “Mr Big”, “scenario technique”, “scenario method”, “Canadian technique”, “Big Boss”, “Tofilau”, “homicide scenario technique”, “unsolved serious crime undercover technique operation” or “USCUT” operations.

Per request (RTI: 67/24)

07/06/2024 Journalist

Information concerning: ‘I am seeking any written and/or email correspondence within Tasmania Police department and between Tasmania Police and the Minister for Police, relating to reports of misconduct by officer Paul Reynolds, in Launceston and Devonport, between January 2010 and September 2018. I am also seeking a record of complaints of misconduct and related matters, laid against Officer Reynolds between Sept 1985 and Sept 2018.

In addition, I am seeking any written or email correspondence and record of a change in employment for Officer Reynolds, from Inspector to Senior Sergeant, including any correspondence from Mr Reynolds to supervisors within Tasmania Police. This would be between July 2010 and November 2013.

I also seek records held by Tasmania Police including emails, letters, meeting minutes, which relate to the circumstances behind Sgt Reynolds change in role, between 2010 and 2013.

I also seek correspondence within Tasmania Police, and between TasPol and the Police Commissioner (Darren Hine) relating to Snr Sgt Reynolds’ transfer from Launceston to Deloraine – between 2013 and 2018.

Further, I seek documentation (including a police warrant) for the search of Mr Reynolds’ home, computer and hard drive(s) in September 2018. I am also seeking Tasmania Police’s record of allegations made against Mr Reynolds between June and September 2018. (In this request, I do not seek identification of any names of persons laying allegations/ witness statements etc)

Finally, I seek documentation of correspondence between the northern Tasmania Football Club and Tasmania Police between June 2018 and June 2020, including emails, letters, meeting minutes which relate to Officer Reynolds.’

Per request (RTI: 159/24)

15/07/2024 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: 

‘Within the last 3 months of this request, any minute or advice related to vacancy control.’

Per request (RTI: 284/24)

18/07/2024 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: ‘For the period 26 May to the 31st December 2023 – correspondence referring to meeting the efficiency dividend.’

Per request (RTI: 274/24)

27/08/2024 Journalist

Information concerning:

‘All information relating to meeting the government’s efficiency dividend between 1 November 2023 and 24 July 2024.’

Per request (RTI: 343/24 & 344/24)

10/09/2024 Member of Parliament

Information concerning: ‘Workers’ compensation for each of the four last financial years:

  1. The number of claims made and of those claims:
    1. The number of claims disputed.
  1. The number of disputed claims that were upheld and not continued. 
  2. The number of disputed claims that were rejected and continued. 
    1. The number of open claims relating to permanent incapacity. 
    2. The number of open claims relating to partial incapacity. 
    3. The type of claim (psychological, disease or physical).’ 

Per request (RTI: 384/24)

19/09/2024 Member of Parliament

Information concerning:

‘For the period 1 January 2024 to 31 July 2024 – correspondence or information referring to meeting the efficiency dividend.’

RTI disclosed 14 pages of information relevant to the request (attached). The annotations that appear on a number of the pages reflect the relevant exemptions applied pursuant to the Act.

Per request (RTI: 388/24)

20/09/2024 Member of Parliament

Information concerning:

  1. ‘Minutes from the State Fire Commission monthly meetings of the past 18 months. 
  2. In relation to the recent appointment of the “State Fire & Emergency Management Commissioner”: 
    1. The SOD (statement of duties) of “State Fire & Emergency Management Commissioner”
    2. The previous SOD “State Fire and Emergency Management Chief Officer.”
    3. Selection report and panel recommendations for the appointment of the “State Fire & Emergency Management Commissioner”
    4. Selection process of the “State Fire & Emergency Management Commissioner”
    5.  Number of applicants, number of candidates shortlisted for interview and number of suitable appointees for the “State Fire & Emergency Management Commissioner”
    6.  Itemised invoice of costs related to the recruitment and selection process.
  3. Any correspondence between DPFEM, the State Fire Commission and/or the Minister for Police, Fire & Emergency Management regarding the 24/25 State Fire Commission Corporate Plan.’

RTI disclosed 140 pages of information relevant to the request (attached). The annotations that appear on a number of the pages reflect the relevant exemptions applied pursuant to the Act.

Per request (RTI: 387/24)

29/11/2024 Organisation

Information Concerning:

Expenditure by the Department on the Regina Weiss enquiry/report

‘The total cost of the report was $481,440.00’

Per request RTI: 434/24

29/11/2024 Organisation

Information Concerning:

  1. ‘How many vacancies remain unfilled/following the vacancy control process in Tasmania Police for both sworn and unsworn positions for the 2022 and 2023 calendar years?
  2. How many sworn members have been transferred into previously unsworn positions?
  3. How many unsworn members have been transferred into previously sworn positions?
  4. What budget impact has occurred as a result of vacancy control?’

In response to Point one (1) your request, Tasmania Police does not have a vacancy control process for sworn officers. Vacancies are advertised and officers need to make an application for such vacancies. Positions are not held over or left unfilled due to formal control measures. As such the number of vacancies varies on a fortnightly basis, linked to the Police Gazette cycle, and does not reflect on-going unfilled vacancies. In relation to unsworn staff, all unsworn vacancies advertised have been filled, or subsequent advertising has occurred to fill unsworn positions.

In relation to Point two (2) that sworn members are not transferred into unsworn positions. Sworn members need to apply for State Service positions under Employment Direction 1 and then request for a transfer should they wish to undertake a State Service position across the DPFEM or the broader Tasmanian State Service.

In relation to Point three (3) of your application, State Service employees are transferred or apply for roles in accordance with Employment Direction 1 only to State Service positions.

In response to Point four (4) of your application, a specific financial measurement is not applied to decisions from the Vacancy Management Committee (VMC). The VMC traditionally functioned with a focus on the following:

  • Is the creation of a new position or filling of a position funded;
  • Are positions or entitlements in accordance with award conditions; and
  • Is the creation of a new position necessary or are there other means to meet the business needs.

As stated above, all vacancies from 2022 and 2023 are filled, therefore there is no budget impact.

Per request (RTI 474/24)