Outcomes Report on the Griffin Matter

Tasmania Police has completed an internal review of the adequacy and appropriateness of Police actions in response to information received about James Geoffrey Griffin (Griffin).

> Further information on the Outcomes Report on the Griffin Matter.

Routine Information Disclosures

Effective 2016, several broad categories of information are provided for public release by all Government departments, including organisational structure, governance policies and workforce statistics.

> Further Information & Disclosures: Routine Information Disclosures section of this website.

Right to Information (RTI)

Right to Information (RTI) releases information that is not available from another source. RTI applications are to be made in writing as an Application for Accessed Disclosure. A file service fee of $46.75 applies (as at 1 July 2023) (unless you have a waiver).

> Further Information & Disclosures: Right to Information Disclosures section of this website.

>>Download: Right to Information – Application for Assessed Disclosure

Prosecution Information (Police File)

To obtain a copy of a Police File (relating to offences you have been charged with) complete the Request for Disclosure of Information form. A file service fee of $53.90 applies (unless you have a waiver). The fee will be waived where a defendant has obtained a grant of legal aid. In other exceptional circumstances, waivers may be considered upon application to the relevant Prosecution Service on a case by case basis.

>> Download Application Form: Prosecution Information (Police File) | Request for Disclosure

Traffic Crash Records and Offence Reports

To obtain a copy of a Traffic Crash Report or an Offence Report (e.g. if you have been involved in the motor vehicle accident or the victim of a burglary and your insurance company want a copy of the Traffic Crash Report or Offence Report) apply in writing to Offence and Crash Reporting,  Information Services, Tasmania Police, GPO Box 308, Hobart, Tas, 7001. A file service fee of $53.90 applies. If you have any queries please contact Offence and Crash Reporting via email to informationservices@police.tas.gov.au or phone (03) 6173 2829.

Complaints Against Police annual report

Tasmania Police is committed to its values of Accountability, Integrity, Respect and Support. Information about complaints against police is being proactively released annually to keep our community informed. Other releases are made as appropriate.

>> Download Disclosure summary statement for complaint outcomes 2023

>> Professional Standards complaints and outcomes – relating to Commission of Inquiry

>> Referrals from the Weiss Independent Review into Paul Reynolds