Key Points

  • Tasmania Police Commissioner Donna Adams has released the final report of the Weiss Independent Review into former police officer Paul Reynolds.
  • All five recommendations from the Review Report have been accepted in full.
  • Read the Weiss Independent Review into Paul Reynolds Final Report. *Content warning: This Report contains confronting material.*
  • If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual violence, please call the statewide Sexual Assault Crisis Line 24/7 on 1800 697 877.

Tasmania Police Commissioner Donna Adams has released the final report of the Weiss Independent Review into former police officer Paul Reynolds.   

A total of 84 people chose to engage with the Independent Review, including 15 victim-survivors of Reynolds. 


Key findings

Key findings of the Review include: 

  • Up to 52 young boys were at minimum groomed by him over a 30-year period, with some resulting in sexual abuse. Two of these victim survivors have made formal statements to police, post his death. 
  • He utilised his connections in sport, namely football and basketball, to groom young boys. 
  • There is no evidence of him sharing the explicit images he solicited from his victims with other adults, or of him being involved in a paedophile ring.  
  • There is no evidence of misconduct from any other officers in relation to his offending.  
  • There is no evidence of him abusing Ashley Youth Detention Centre detainees, either privately or during the course of his duties as a police officer. 
  • There is no evidence that he manipulated any prosecution matters, police investigations or coronial investigations.
  • Seven referrals have been made to Tasmania Police that relate to other former or serving officers.
  • There is no evidence of any sexual offending involving a child by any current serving police officer.
  • Another referral was made to an external organisation in relation to a person who is not a police officer.


Review recommendations

The Review has made five recommendations and Tasmania Police accepts them in full.  

The Review recommendations are: 

  • to establish a redress scheme for victim-survivors of his grooming and/or abuse
  • to establish a restorative engagement framework for people who have experienced grooming and/or sexual abuse by Tasmania Police officers
  • to strengthen community engagement and build trust between Tasmania Police and Tasmanian sporting organisations for the purpose of preventing, identifying and reporting grooming, sexual abuse and unacceptable sexualised conduct in sport – including the establishment of a dedicated Community Engagement Command
  • for Tasmania Police to establish a dedicated victim management team which operates separately of the Professional Standards Unit to support victims of reported police offending or misconduct
  • that Tasmania Police make a recommendation to the Tasmanian Government for amendments to the Integrity Commission Act 2009.


Read the Tasmanian Police Commissioner’s media statement about the release of the final report of the Weiss Independent Review.


Where to get help

In an emergency, always call 000. 

  • If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual violence, call the statewide Sexual Assault Crisis Line 24/7 on 1800 697 877.
  • If you or someone you know is impacted by family violence, call the Family Violence Response and Referral Line 24/7 on 1800 633 937.
  • Keeping Children Safe– information about what the Tasmanian Government is doing to keep Tasmanian children and young people safe, where to go for advice, support or help, and information about financial assistance.
  • Support services are available via


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