key points:

  • Find out what Tasmania Police are doing in response to the Commission of Inquiry Report.
  • Visit the Tell Someone website for advice about how to report abuse as an adult, for children under 18, or as a parent/caregiver/community member who has concerns about a child, and how to get help.
  • Contact the Advice and Referral Line (ARL) on 1800 000 123 for advice or to report abuse of concerns for the safety of a child.

Tasmania Police is committed to improving its responses to reports of sexual abuse and violence, and enhancing programs that help target and reduce sexual abuse crimes.

The release of the Commission of Inquiry’s Report into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings provides an opportunity for us to ensure we have the best systems in place to support victim-survivors and our investigation processes going forward.

This page provides information on the measures Tasmania Police has put in place to improve our processes and systems for investigation and support of people reporting crimes.

Information is also available on this page if you are seeking support, need help or advice about keeping children safe in Tasmania, and how to report abuse or concerns for the safety of a child.


  • Statement from the Commissioner

Read the Statement from Commissioner Adams in response to the tabling of the Commission of Inquiry’s Report into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings (the Commission of Inquiry Report).

  • Read the Commission of Inquiry Report
    *Content warning
    *– the Commission of Inquiry Report contains confronting material that will impact individuals in the community and the state’s employees, both current and former.
  • State Government response

Read about the State Government’s response to the Commission of Inquiry Report.


What we are doing

Since 2019, Tasmania Police has:

  • created a dedicated Family and Sexual Violence Command within Tasmania Police to deliver a cohesive response that fosters greater connectivity, intelligence sharing and response capacity, and brings together key work areas with a clear focus to prevent and respond to family and sexual violence
  • established a pilot of two multidisciplinary Arch Centres to provide victim-survivors of sexual violence with coordinated wrap around supports
  • commenced mandatory Family and Sexual Violence Response Training for police officers
  • improved sharing of information with key government agencies, including information regarding child safety to ensure appropriate responses and actions are undertaken when information relating to child sexual abuse is received
  • commenced a review of the Community Protection Offender Reporting Act 2005 which includes an intention to introduce a disclosure scheme to allow a parent or guardian to ask if a specific person who has regular unsupervised access to their child is recorded on the Sex Offender Register
  • renewal of the Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team (JACET) MOU with the Australian Federal Police, and placement of two dedicated AFP investigators into our child exploitation teams
  • undertaken changes to the Tasmania Police Manual to include very clear guidance and direction when dealing with child sexual abuse
  • introduced guidelines for investigating child sexual abuse to ensure information relevant to these investigations is consolidated into a single protocol for ease of reference by police officers
  • strengthened relationships with partner agencies to enable more timely intervention for children at risk and provide better outcomes for people who have experienced abuse.
  • expanded the Professional Standards Family and Sexual Violence Involving Police Review Committee (which is independently chaired) to include oversight of all sexual assault and child sexual abuse allegations involving police members, reflecting our shift to become more trauma informed in how we respond to victims. 


Tasmania Police is committed to continuing our work to improve responses to reports of sexual abuse and violence, and enhance programs that help target and reduce sexual abuse crimes.


Where to go for help and support

Keeping children safe

For help, advice or support about keeping children safe in Tasmania, or how to report abuse or concerns for the safety of a child, visit:

  • Keeping Children Safe– information about what the Tasmanian Government is doing to keep Tasmanian children and young people safe, where to go for advice, support or help, and information about financial assistance.
  • Tell Someone– advice about how to report abuse as an adult, for children under 18, or as a parent/caregiver/community member who has concerns about a child, and how to get help.
  • Strong Families Safe Kids– the Strong Families Safe Kids advice and referral line is the first point of contact for child wellbeing and safety. For advice or to refer an abuse matter, contact the Advice and Referral Line (ARL) on 1800 000 123.
  • Safe from Violence– help, support, information and resources to support the community to be free from family and sexual violence.
  • Where a crime may have been committed, contact police on 131 144or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
  • For an emergency where there is immediate risk of harm or a crime is happening now, contact police on 000.


Support services

The release of the Report may evoke strong emotions.

If you need support, a range of free and confidential support services are available:

  • Lifeline 24/7 Crisis Support – 13 11 14
    A Tasmanian Lifeline: 8am–8pm, 365 days a year – 1800 98 44 34for support and referral
  • Statewide Sexual Assault Support Line – 1800 697 877(1800 MY SUPPORT)
    24/7 support from specialist counsellors provided by the Sexual Assault Support Service (SASS) and Laurel House
  • Relationships Australia, Tasmania– 1300 364 277
    Counselling, wellbeing information and referral available 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday
  • Arch – Sexual Harm Coordinated Support
    Arch is a safe place where you can get information and support if you are affected by sexual harm as a result of sexual violence. Visit the Arch websitefor more information
  • Kids Helpline– 1800 55 1800
    24/7 support for children and young people provided by specialist counsellors
  • Support for victim-survivors and witnesses of the Commission of Inquiry – 1800 093 758.


In an emergency, always call 000.


Find out more

Related information

Historical document/s