Corporate Performance Report

This document is produced as an internal tool for measuring the performance of our people, resources and systems in order to inform our business processes.  It reports on a number of performance indicators, some of which are benchmarked. It also reports on activities other than those of the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management (DPFEM) but in which the DPFEM has an interest.

The Corporate Performance Report is prepared as an internal document for the use and information of the DPFEM. Data produced in this report is collated from a number of sources both electronic and manual. Manual data is collated by Organisational Performance and Review Services from information supplied from a variety of sources. Due to the timeliness of this report the data may not be complete and future refreshing of the data may return slightly different results. This document is not intended to be used for official statistical purposes.

Corporate Performance Report Downloads

Crime Statistics Supplement

The Department of Police and Emergency Management Crime Statistics Supplement provides a detailed breakdown of the offences reported, or becoming known to police in the financial year ending 30 June. Five year trend data is included for many of the measures.

Prior to 2012-13 the Crime Statistics Supplement was published as a part of the Department of Police and Emergency Management Annual Report.

Police Reporting Dashboard

See reporting against three key performance areas (safe communities, safe homes and safe roads) via the Tasmania Police Reporting Dashboard.